“People don’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care” – some people give the credit for this line to Theodore Roosevelt, and some say that it was said by John C. Maxwell. Irrespective of who said it, one thing is for su...Read in Detail
How good it would be if we could simply flush the negative memories down the drain and selectively remember and focus on the positive ones! Well, such a wonderful notion, except the reality is almost 180 degree opposite. Yes, with due respect to the ...Read in Detail
I was upset…because she was upset.
…but seeing me upset, she got more upset…which made me upset even more.
And now it was a ‘self-sustaining chain’.
So I paused. Breathed deeply.
…and then I smiled, to which she didn’t....Read in Detail
The other day, in a workshop, in response to a couple’s query on ‘loss of connect’, I said… “Start looking into each other’s eyes more often. Remember, you didn’t look into each other’s eyes because you were in love. You were in l...Read in Detail
“Control boy control…you can’t act on every thought that comes in your head!” said grandpa with affectionate aggression. Well! He isn’t around anymore, nor am I a boy anymore, yet the words still echo in my mind as I write this piece. I...Read in Detail
Most of us must have come across someone who is doing poorly at work after a problem cropped up at home front, or someone who just can’t concentrate on studies after being ridiculed in front of classmates, or someone who refuses to leave her ro...Read in Detail
Though we call ourselves Homo sapiens – wise men, the fact remains that we are not some purely rational beings who always operate through clinical intelligence towards properly-weighed outcomes. Yes, day in day out, we break into a behavior, make o...Read in Detail
Yes, talking in terms of emotional & mental health, ‘Normal is the new good”. And honestly, it is difficult to now get people who don’t have emotional reactions that are ‘out of place…out of context…out of proportion…and out of ...Read in Detail
Imagine that you are witnessing a typical interaction between two persons at the beginning of their relationship, when each of them wants the other to consider them as a preferable option. So what would be your observation of their interaction? W...Read in Detail
Whenever two persons interact, their respective psychological worlds subtly shape the mode, manner, progression and fate of their interpersonal interaction. Yes, people tend to discuss what happened between them without investigating what was hap...Read in Detail
According to my model, with due respect to other factors, there are four major forms of dissonance that affect mental health:
First, when there is dissonance between your ‘reality’ and your ‘projection’. For example, if you are average...Read in Detail
Listening is not an art, it is a science, with sensitivity of an art. And most people listen poorly not because ‘they don’t want to’ but because ‘they don’t know how to’. In fact, if someone has a commonsensical view that ears are whe...Read in Detail